The SprayBug is a simple, rugged, and cost-effective way of traversing a thermal spray torch.
It is very important to control the gun with consistent and reproducible motion. This gun traverse speed control is important to control the coating thickness and the quality. It is a safer way to spray parts. The operator can stand back away from the heat, smoke, and physical motion of this equipment. This traverser is especially good for shafts that are spinning in a lathe.
Click on the play button below to see a video demonstration.
- Two speed ranges
- 1.5 to 30 inches per minute
- 8 to 160 inched per minute
- Digital readout for traversing speed
- Caster wheels standard
- Floor lock standard
- 5 axis torch holding tool standard
- Hose and cable standoff standard
- Traversing travel distance is 54 inches
- Overall length is 96 inches
- 96 inch extensions can be bolted on to extend the travel
- Automatic cycling option standard
- Micro switch technology is used for changing direction
- Can be used with combustion wire/ powder, HVOF, plasma, and electric arc
- Weight capability is 50 lb in the vertical orientation when used in seed range 1.5 to 3 “/min
- The single rail SprayBug can be mounted in the horizontal or vertical orientation
- Single Rail SprayBug

Single Rail SprayBug